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Save a heritage and become part of MILL OF ZASA!


                                       We need you!

In the middle of the beautiful landscape of Latvia the more than 130 years old 
MILL OF ZASA is a unique heritage of culture and history.

To keep this history alive we did tremendous efforts within last years and made this place what it is today.

After I bought this lost place in 2005 all my friends told me that I am crazy. No roof and almost no hope to save the abandoned place.

But I had a vision and I could feel the mill`s history on every step I took. I felt the strong wish to bring this historical building to life again. Just like its former owner Vilis Stukuls always has been dreaming of. It was still not too late.

During the years, the mill got a new roof and new windows. Old mashines of the mill have been repaired and it became a place of hospitality and friendship.

The small campsite, located directly at Zasa´s beautiful park and lake nowadays invites guest from all over the world again.

But even if the mill got a new life, parts of the building need to be renewed.

For now the chimney with it`s hight of almost 20 meter - since 16 years home of our storks -becomes our new project. It is not safe anymore and the necessity becomes more and more urgent to repair it.

First offers have shown that its renewal will need around 14.000 to 15.000 EUR.

To take first step in this big project we decided to start this crowdfunding campaign to be able to start work in September 2022.


If you want to become part of MILL OF ZASA`s history and its international community to preserve the culture of Latvia please be so kind to participate in this project.

Every supporter will be named at this page.

The name of donators of 50 Euros and more will get an exclusive place on a plate at the entrance of the mill!

Take your chance to show, that you are keeping history alive!

If you don´t want to donate, but you are an experienced craftsman or building company – be our guest – We would be happy to receive your support and we will offer you the great hospitality of MILL OF ZASA with food and accommodation!

For you and for all of us.

We only have ONE history – let´s safe it – TOGETHER!

I count on you! 


Hardy Kortmann

How can I donate?

Please transfer your donation to:


Purpose of use: “Crowdfunding Chimney”

Please send an email to hkmillofzasa(at) that we can contact you and keep you up to date.



We did it!!!

"Glücklich ist derjenige, der an seinen Traum glaubt, denn ihm geht die Sonne nie nieder."

Karlis Skalbe (Erzählungen eines Kreuzburgers)


Our Address

Zasas Dzirnavas

Zala iela 12

Zasas pagasts

LV - 5239, Latvija

Contact Us


  +49 176 42139203


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